Geography National Courses

The Geography department provide the opportunity for pupils to continue their studies in Geography through the National 4 and 5 courses in Senior Phase.

These courses are catered to meet the needs of all pupils. Pupils can opt to study Geography at these levels after completing Geography in BGE or any other Social Subject in BGE/N4/N5 level.

The course provides a wide range of exciting and interesting topics and will encourage pupils to work successfully both independently and as a team.

  1. Weather and Climate

  2. Glaciation and Coasts

  3. Limestone and Rivers

  4. Rural land use conflicts in Loch Lomond National Park.

  5. Rural Landscapes in American and SE Asia

  6. Urban Landscapes in India and Scotland.

  7. World Development.

  8. Global Population changes.

  9. Health.

  10. Earth Forces Hurricanes, Earthquakes, Tsunamis and Volcanoes.

Added Value Unit - ASSIGNMENT

Incorporated in the National Courses pupils must complete an Added Value Unit based on the collection of information through fieldwork. The department work hard to ensure all pupils have equal opportunities to participate in fieldwork and all pupils are encouraged to attend the one day river study trip in the summer term. This allows pupils to work as a team, collect and analyse data before writing up their final assignment.

This assignment is worth 20 marks. The marks contribute 20% of the overall marks for the course assessment. This is one of two course assessment components. The other component is a question paper exam for N5.

Clink on links to find out more about the National Courses.