Broad General Education (BGE) in Geography S1-S3

Welcome to the BGE Geography course. All S1 pupils will experience the three Social Subjects on a 12 week basis during their first year at CHS.

Two topics covered in S1 are - Volcanoes and Deserts.

The first topic in Geography is Earth's structure and Volcanoes. This unit will build on work previously done in primary school. Pupils will investigate the layers of the Earth, the Earth's crust and different rock types, the moving crust and how volcanoes work. We study the eruption of Mt St Helens and this gives pupils an insight into the environmental and human impact of a large volcanic eruption. The course involves a wide range of pupil activities from co-op learning to creating their own mini volcanic eruption!

An opt-in visit to Our Dynamic Earth in Edinburgh also proves to be a very popular experience with our S1 pupils!

We learn about the World's hot and cold deserts in our second topic. Pupils investigate the ways that plants, animals and people have adapted to live in two of Earth's most challenging climate zones.

Two topics covered in S2 are - Natural Disasters and Global Climate Change

Pupil build on their S1 Earth's structure work and investigate a range of natural disasters, including earthquakes, tsunami and hurricanes. The second part of this course allows pupils to study the causes, impacts and solutions of global climate change on our planet. This topic includes personal research as pupils work through each section in the course.

At the end of S2 pupils can opt to take Geography which leads on to two more years studying the subject and either a N4 or N5 qualification.

Through the S1-S3 courses pupils will build and develop their skills in literacy, numeracy and health and wellbeing.

Pupils will have opportunities to participate in outdoor learning and fieldtrips.

The department are well resourced in textbooks and ICT including VR kits.

Pupils will gain additional skills in:-

  • Research,

  • Evaluation,

  • Decision making,

  • Team building

  • Presentation.

EBays Rocks and Dynamic Earth

Pupils who opt to take Geography as an option in S3 will continue to build their skills in geography, literacy, numeracy, thinking and ICT.

Our S3 Topics include the following;

    • Landscapes created by Ice and Sea. We study the landscape forming processes of erosion, transportation and deposition in relation to mountain and coastal environments.

    • Land use and conflict. This unit links to our landscapes topic and we investigate the uses of these areas, as well as some of the issues that arise from tourism and environmental damage.

    • Weather in the UK. Our weather is changeable and we study the reasons behind these changes in our UK weather patterns.

    • Tourism

    • World Development. Pupils look at ways to define the development of different countries and we have the opportunity to become play 'The Trade Game' which simulates the ups and downs in world trade.

    • World Population. Why does the world have 8 billion people and counting? We investiagte the reasons for this increasingly rapid growth.

    • Urban studies; housing & transport issues in more and less developed countries. Pupils use case studies to study how settlements grow and some of the transport issues and solutions linked to this urban growth.

    • World International Trade

    • Mapwork. Reading a map is an essential lifeskill and a skill required in studying Geography at Senior Phase.

Click on links to access Geography Resources



S3 Geography – International Trade Afternoon.

By Ellie McGill and Robyn Keenan

Recently S3 participated in a Geography Trade Game afternoon. It involved everyone getting into groups and working as a team to create shapes, whilst trading for resources from wealthier countries. Initially we were introduced to the rules of the game by our teachers Mr Bradley and Mrs Conway. Every country was given a folder with either primary (basic) resources for the poorer countries and with the more privileged countries receiving secondary (manufactured) goods. Shortly after opening our folder we soon realised that our country, Ghana, was definitely one of the least fortunate countries involved, meaning we had a huge shortage in materials. Moments after the game began countries started to become equal due to trading which then meant there was no obvious winner. Our team tactics were to give each person a role, with 2 people making the shapes and the other 2 trading and buying goods. After receiving money from trading we exchanged the shapes we had made, with the bank, for the amount of money each shape was worth As the game concluded we were shocked to realise that Ghana was the winning team despite the fact that we were the poorest country to start with and finished with a grand total of £28,000. We really enjoyed this experience as it helped us visualize what real trade is like and we would love to have the opportunity to participate in this again.