National 5 Chemistry

National 5 Chemistry is an SQA qualification course:

"The purpose of the course is to develop candidates’ curiosity, interest and enthusiasm for chemistry in a range of contexts. The skills of scientific inquiry are integrated and developed throughout the course. The relevance of chemistry is highlighted by the study of the applications of chemistry in everyday contexts. This enables candidates to become scientifically literate citizens, able to review the science-based claims they will meet. " -SQA 2019

To gain the award of this course, the pupil must achieve a pass in all three component units as well as the external assessment, which will provide the basis for grading the attainment in the course award. There is an external end of course examination lasting two and half hours (100 marks) as well as an assignment (20 marks), which will be marked by the SQA and conducted under exam conditions at school.

For more information on the National 5 Chemistry course please visit the SQA website: