Advanced Higher Chemistry

Advanced Higher Chemistry is an SQA Qualification Course:

"The Course serves to equip all learners with an understanding of the impact of chemistry on everyday life, and with the knowledge and skills to be able to reflect critically on scientific publications and media reports concerning chemistry. By using the broad skills base and knowledge and understanding of detailed chemistry key areas, learners will become scientifically literate citizens and be able to review the science-based claims they will meet and to communicate in an evidence-based manner. This also allows learners to make their own reasoned decisions on many issues within a modern society increasingly dependent on chemistry, science and technology. " -SQA 2019

To gain the award of this course, the pupil must achieve a pass in all component units of this course as well as the external assessment, which will provide the basis for grading the attainment in the course award.

The instrument of assessment will be an externally set question paper of 2 hours 30 minutes duration and a completed Investigation report.

  • External Course assessment structure

    • Component 1 — question paper made up of 30 marks objective and 70 marks for restricted and extended response questions

    • Component 2 — investigation 25 marks

    • Total marks — 125 marks

For more information on the Advanced Higher Chemistry course please visit the SQA website: