Higher Chemistry

Higher Chemistry is an SQA qualification course:

"The course develops candidates’ curiosity, interest and enthusiasm for chemistry in a range of contexts. The skills of scientific inquiry and investigation are developed throughout the course. Candidates develop an appreciation of the impact of chemistry on their everyday lives by applying their knowledge and understanding of chemical concepts in practical situations. The course provides opportunities for candidates to think analytically, creatively and independently, and to make reasoned evaluations. It allows flexibility and personalisation by offering candidates the choice of topic for their assignment. " - SQA 2019

To gain the award of this course, the pupil must achieve a pass in all component units of this course as well as the external assessment, which will provide the basis for grading the attainment in the course award. The external course assessment is structured in two components - a two and a half hour question paper made up of 20 marks objective and 80 marks for restricted and extended response questions, and an assignment (20 marks) completed under supervised conditions in school and externally marked. There will be a total of 120 marks overall.

For more information on the Higher Chemistry course please visit the SQA website: https://www.sqa.org.uk/sqa/47913.html