
Course Information

Accounting - Higher


· To improve pupils’ awareness of the importance of accounting information to the success of organisations.

· To develop pupils’ accuracy in the interpretation and presentation of accounting information.

· To enhance pupils’ ability in applying IT in accounting related tasks.

Course Content

This course introduces pupils to the three specific areas of accounting:

· Preparing Financial Accounting Information - where pupils prepare financial accounting information for external use, such as Profit and Loss statements and Balance Sheets. This information is used by external stakeholders such as investors and competition.

· Preparing Management Accounting information - where pupils develop an understanding of internal accounting information and prepare reports to be used by management decision making about the future planning and control of business.

· Analysing Accounting Information - where pupils develop skills in interpreting accounting information and use this to assess the organisation’s current financial position and then plan for improvement.


Skills will be developed in;

· Presenting and interpreting financial information

· Comparing and contrasting accounting information to draw conclusions

· Developing critical thinking and problem solving skills by designing solutions to financial problems.


A wide range of learning and teaching approaches are used in the department. These include whole class teaching, group discussion activities, IT activities and individual work. The course is designed to allow many opportunities for collaboration and active learning.


Pupils will be assessed on each unit of the course and they will also be assessed through an accounting question paper and an accounting-related assignment. The question paper will require demonstration of a breadth of knowledge, understanding and skills accumulated from across the Course. The assignment will require learners to combine the accounting knowledge and/or skills from across the Course in a practical context.

Administration and Information Technology – Higher

This Course is designed for those who are interested in the management aspects of administration and advanced uses of IT and who want to develop their administrative and IT skills further. Learners who have completed the Course will be able to utilise the acquired administration- and IT-related knowledge, understanding and skills at home, in the wider community and, ultimately, in employment. The key purpose of this Course is to develop learners’ advanced administrative and IT skills and, ultimately, to enable them to contribute to the effective functioning of organisations in supervisory administrative positions.


· Develop knowledge and understanding of administration in the workplace and its importance Develop a range of advanced IT skills for processing and managing information

· Develop a range of skills to communicate complex information effectively, making appropriate use of IT

· Acquire skills in managing the organisation of events

Course Content

The Course is a blend of applied, experiential learning and related theory and uses real-life contexts, which makes it relevant to the world of work. Its uniqueness lies in enabling learners to work towards industry standards in IT in an administration-related context. While the skills, knowledge and understanding it develops reflect current administrative practice, the Course is sufficiently flexible to take account of emerging technologies, and this will ensure its continuing currency and relevance.


Learners will develop the ability:

· to use a range of functions, some of them complex, of the following IT applications: word processing, spreadsheets, databases, desktop publishing, presentation;

· to take responsibility for key administrative tasks

· to organise, manage and communicate relatively complex information.

· to manage the organisation of events

· to comply with relevant health, safety and security legislation and workplace procedures

· to solve problems in the context of administration.

The Course will support learners’ personal and social development and will serve them very well in their day-to-day lives, as well as preparing them for the next stage in their education and for entering the world of work.


Pupils will learn through a variety of methodologies including whole-class teaching, activity-based learning, peer and individualized learning. Pupils will experience learning through the use of ICT, with knowledge integrated with practical activities throughout the course.


Pupils will be assessed on each unit of the course. At the end of the year the pupils will undertake a skills based project which will give them the opportunity to demonstrate their administration and IT-based skills. Pupils will also sit an SQA examination.


Þ Business Management Higher

Þ Further education in a range of Business and Administration courses

Business Management - Higher


The Business Management Course is designed to enable learners to develop:

· Knowledge and understanding of the ways in which society relies on business to satisfy our needs

· An insight into the systems organisations use to ensure customers’ needs are met

· Enterprising skills and attributes by providing them with opportunities to explore real life business situations

· Financial awareness through a business context

· Knowledge of how organisations organise their resources for maximum efficiency and to improve their overall performance

· Awareness of how external influences impact on organizations

Course Content

The course has 3 units:

· Understanding Business

· Management of Marketing and Operations

· Management of People and Finance

These core concepts of Business theory and practice will be explores with current and relevant examples of the Business world allowing pupils to study business in context. Pupils will research real life Business situations and use Case Studies to improve their analytical and literacy skills and their ability to work efficiently within a team. Pupils will also work collaboratively on business themed presentations which will develop communication skills.


A wide range of learning and teaching techniques are in practice in the department. These include whole class teaching, co-operative learning activities, paired and individual work. ICT is embedded throughout the course to enhance pupils learning.


Pupils will be assessed at the end of each unit and at the end of the year. Formative assessment techniques will be employed throughout the course to allow teachers to check pupils progress. Pupils will sit an SQA exam question paper worth 70% of their final grade, with their coursework assignment making up the other 30%.


Þ Administration and IT National 5 and Higher

Þ Advanced Higher Business Management

Þ Further education in a range of Business and Administration courses