BGE Business

Course Information

S1 Business Technology

Our Curriculum for Excellence course is varied around the two exciting courses we offer at the end of S1 to give pupils a flavour of what to expect. Our objective is to encourage pupils to develop their skills in both areas and participate in enjoyable activities that they can link to their learning. Pupils will develop an awareness of the ways in which society relies on businesses and other organisations to satisfy its needs, and an understanding of how different software packages support the business world.

S2/3 Business Management

Core concepts of Business theory and practice will be explored with current and relevant examples of the Business world allowing pupils to study business in context. Pupils will research real life Business situations and use Case Studies to improve their analytical and literacy skills and their ability to work efficiently within a team. Pupils will also work collaboratively on business themed presentations which will develop communication skills.


The course is designed to enable learners to develop:

· Knowledge and understanding of the ways in which society relies on business to satisfy our needs

· An insight into the systems organisations use to ensure customers’ needs are met

· Enterprising skills and attributes by providing them with opportunities to explore real life business situations

· Financial awareness through a business context

· Knowledge of how organisations organise their resources for maximum efficiency and to improve their overall performance

· Awareness of how external influences impact on organisations


· Enterprise & employability

· Numeracy

· Literacy

· Team working

· Decision-making

S2/3 Administration and IT

Administration and IT uses real life contexts which enables learners to understand the world of work, develop their IT skills and theoretical knowledge, while working towards industry standards. Our course reflects current administrative practice and takes account of emerging technologies to ensure its continuing currency and relevance.

Course aims

· Develop an understanding of how administrative practices are applied in the workplace

· Legislation affecting both organisations and employees

· To develop IT skills and use them to perform administrative tasks


The course will develop and enhance transferable skills that pupils can use to support them in the wider curriculum, further education and the workplace:

· Teamwork

· Self-evaluation

· Ability to prioritise tasks and work to deadlines set

· ICT skills

· Ability to create and present business documents to an appropriate and professional standard