The National 5 Applications course will develop and understanding in applying mathematical skills in the study of Numeracy, Geometry, Finance and Statistics where pupils will get the opportunity to apply Mathematical techniques in real life situations.

PRIOR KNOWLEDGE- This course will suit the needs of pupils who have successfully completed National 4 Maths

In order for you to reach your full potential we expect you to attend class regularly, come prepared for each lesson, meet deadlines for classwork and homework, seek help if experiencing difficulties and prepare thoroughly for each assessment.

PROGRESSION – Successful completion of National 5 Applications will mean pupils can progress onto employment and / or training.

HOMEWORK- Homework will be issued on a regular basis and will reflect the pupils class work, homework will be given from a variety of sources, including a homework book or at times they may be issued with a write-on sheet, testing their knowledge on a particular topic.

CONDITIONS OF AWARD- This course is split into 3 units, Numeracy, Geometry and Measure and Managing Finance and Statistics, culminating in a final external SQA exam.

Revision - Unit Assessments

N5 Numeracy revision booklet.pdf


National 5 Lifeskills - Finance and Stats - Complete.pdf

Finance & Statistics

Geometry & Measures Complete Revision.pdf

Geometry & Measure

Revision - Past Papers by topic

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Revision - SQA Past Papers


Homework will reflect the work of the class and is taken from a variety of sources.

Additionally, Formal Homework exercises will be issued for each block of work.

Formal homework's for each level within National 5 Maths can be found below along with homework booklets which can be used to supplement work completed in class.

Formal Homework

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