In the Design & Technology Broad General Education course will provide your child with a wide range of knowledge, skills and exciting experiences that they can draw on as their lives, careers and job opportunities continue to change.

​Throughout their BGE experience, children and young people are assessed and decisions are made by their teachers on when a child or young person has achieved learning at a particular level. This means that they have broadly covered the experiences and achieved the expected outcomes for that level. In making this decision, the teacher takes into account the evidence mentioned above, and considers the benchmarks produced by Education Scotland for each level as well as diagnostic feedback from the Scottish National Standardised Assessments (SNSA).

BGE runs from S1 to S3 below are some of the Topics that pupils will undertake through S1 and S2 within the Design & Technology Department.

S1 D&T Xmas Decoration Info Sheet.pdf
S1 D&T Tower of Hanoi Info Sheet.pdf
S1 D&T Sketching Info Sheet.pdf
S1 D&T Domino Info Sheet.pdf
S1 D&T Tower of Hanoi (inventor)Info Sheet.pdf
Timelines BGE Course
S2 D&T Speaker Info Sheet.pdf
S2 D&T Clock Info Sheet.pdf
S2 D&T Photo Frame Info Sheet.pdf
S2 D&T Aqua J Info Sheet.pdf
S2 D&T Bird Feeder Info Sheet.pdf

Health & Safety

Teachers will read through the agreement with pupils and highlight to them that this is an official contract which will be used within the department. If they agree with all of the points and are willing to follow these then they should sign their part of the contract (separate sheet provided). The pupils should then take the sheet home to be signed by their parents/guardians. These sheets should be returned to the teacher. Pupils who do not return the contract WILL not be allowed to carry out practical activities.