L1SCIG with Mrs Baker (JB)

Welcome to Level 1 science general. This course is all internal based, with different styles of assessments in class throughout the year. 

Term 1: Biology 1.1 investigation - How exercise influences bodily systems. Start Science 1.13 - Surface features of NZ. Field trip planned.

Term 2: Continue science 1.13 Surface features of NZ. Chemistry 1.1 investigation - Rates of reaction.

Term 3: Science 1.4 - Heat implications in every day life. Science 1.15 - Affects of astronomical cycle on planet earth. Field trip planned

Term 4: Mop up any internal outstanding.

To access our google classroom, click the link:  classroom.google.com/c/NTEyOTk3MzM1MDkx?cjc=rpha6yz 

 or the code: rpha6yz 

To access our education perfect class content, click the link: www.educationperfect.com    and enter the class code: GRFKAL 

These photos are taken from one of the classes trip to the Waipu Caves Farm. Here they were taken on a tour, looking at the surface features (what the caves look like inside and out) and what has caused them to look like this over time.