
Tag Highlights

To foster their love for learning, TAG students now have the opportunity to participate in Enrichment Class twice a week. The goal of this time is to  expose students to curriculum that creates cognitive demand and productive struggle early on in their educational career.  Some examples of this work include the application of Design Thinking as they work with Coding Spero's, Dash Wonderbox and Lego Stem Challenges.  NAGC K-12 Gifted Standards Three & Four also establishes that we shall meet TAG students' social and emotional developmental needs by providing an affective curriculum in addition to the differentiated instruction students receive in their CORE classes. Thus, we are currently researching Brainology/Growth Mindset Curriculum. This is a blended curriculum that teaches students how to develop a growth mindset. The program includes online animated instruction units as well as offline classroom instruction. I'm excited about his possibility for our TAG students and it is my goal  to add this to your student's Enrichment period Fall of 2023.  

Alameda Spheros