Title 1

What is Title 1?

Title I of the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA/ESEA) is a federal funding program designed to close achievement gaps and ensure that all children have a fair, equal, and significant opportunity to obtain a high-quality education. The largest part of the Title I program, Part A allocates funding to districts and other local educational agencies (LEAs) according to a formula based on numbers/percentages of children from low-income families. LEAs distribute much of the funding directly to individual public schools and use the rest to support other efforts within the LEA that benefit students needing additional academic support.

Many schools receiving Part A funding operate Schoolwide Programs, implementing overall school improvements to ensure that systems, practices, and programs are effectively aligned to reduce gaps and support every student’s achievement. Other schools use their Part A funds to operate Targeted Assistance Programs, which provide services to a subgroup of identified students.

Osceola Elementary and Intermediate Schools are School-Wide Title 1 Schools.

OES School-wide Goals for the 2019-20 school year are as stated:

  1. We will create and implement data analysis protocols and procedures to communicate student achievement effectively among stakeholders within buildings and across the school district.

  2. We will use the data analysis process and decision making rules to determine whether Tier 1 instruction is effective in meeting grade level benchmarks and to identify students in need of Tier 2 support and students in need of Tier 3 intervention.

  3. Through the work of professional learning communities, professional development, and the implementation of new materials and best practices, we will improve Tier 1 instruction and achievement.

  4. We will improve communication between classrooms, grade levels, interventionists and families to support goal setting with students and improved outcomes of reading and math instruction.

OIS School-wide Goals for the 2019-20 school year are as stated:

  1. We will create and implement data analysis protocols and procedures to communicate student achievement effectively among stakeholders within buildings and across the school district.

  2. We will use the data analysis process and decision making rules to determine whether Tier 1 instruction is effective in meeting grade level benchmarks and to identify students in need of Tier 2 support and students in need of Tier 3 intervention.

  3. Through the work of professional learning communities, professional development, and the implementation of new materials and best practices, we will improve Tier 1 instruction and achievement.

  4. We will improve communication between classrooms, grade levels, interventionists and families to support goal setting with students and improved outcomes of reading and math instruction.