Hope Squad

Check out our first ever Hope Squad video.

We have grown and changed but our message is the same!

Hope Squad is a group of students that were selected by their peers to help their community by being someone that others could talk to about personal and serious issues, though they are not professionals. (If you would like to speak to a mental health professional or one of our OHS Student Services staff, please refer to the Student Services Website/ resources on the right.) Hope Squad Members are trained using a program called QPR, which stands for Question, Persuade, and Refer. This has proven to be an effective pattern in de-escalating a mental health crisis. Though it isn't as linear as that, every situation is completely different and our members will adapt to what YOU need.

Hope Squad is a group of listeners, people who will sit with you through anything and everything if that's what you need. Hope Squad members can talk to you about anything that may be causing you distress; it's not just for those contemplating suicide though that is something that our group focuses on. We are here for any and all students who need us; there are many of us, all with different stories of our own, and we as a group have decided that we want to help our peers. Your life is important, your struggles are genuine, and we are going to help you see that too.

Oregon High School Hope Squad Alum Arathi put our purpose quite beautifully here: "Suicide and suicidal thoughts are a very hard emotional and physical battle that many individuals go through, and many people that have suicidal thoughts don't know how to reach out. That's where my (our) efforts fit in. No matter what, there is always a way to get the help and support you need."

Upon agreeing to be in Hope Squad all of the members agreed to keep all concerns shared to us by our peers confidential to other members and peers. The ONLY people that Hope Squad will inform of your situation are people that will reinforce your safety, such as Advisors or the Student Services team. The offical Hope Squad permission slip for parents states this clearly below.