Hope Squad Events

||2/1 - 2/28|| Friendly February

||12/23 - 1/3||

Coping with Winter Break

The Holiday's can be a very stressful time and this year they look far different than they did in years past. Many students (including some of our members) have expressed that they don't feel like this year has the "holiday spirit". Click on the button to the left to see our tips on how to cope with this!

Finished Hope Squad with everyone this time.mp4

|| 11/16 ||

The First Hope Squad Advisory Video: Meet the Hope Squad of 2020-2021

|| 11/13 ||

World Kindness Day 2020

Our last day of Homecoming week happens to be World Kindness Day! Don't forget to do something kind for someone, maybe send them an email about things you like about them, or just start a conversation with someone you haven't talked to in a while!

|| 11/9- 11/13 ||

Homecoming Week!

Don't forget to dress up and do an act of kindness everyday of homecoming week to show your panther pride.