
Parenting Workshop

The purpose of the parenting sessions is to help equip parents with useful parenting tips in todays day and age. It also gives parents the chance to network and ask questions that they may feel would help them with parenting.

Thank you and Jazak'Allah to the parents who have attended the sessions so far in the summer term, please encourage others to attend, Insha'Allah.


Some of the topics we have covered and will be covering:

We plan to restart sessions again in January 2024 insha'Allah

If parents would like to go over topics covered already or have further in-depth discussions on ways to tackle these issues please raise this in the meetings and I can cover topics in more depth Insha'Allah.

Useful links

We will constantly be updating this section with useful links to books, resources and any other items that maybe discussed in the parenting session.

As discussed in the first session,  'The Simple Seerah' (which is linked in the picture) is a book that makes it easier for the younger generation to understand and learn the life of the Prophet (PBUH). 

(This book is also available through Amazon).

Further links coming soon.

Migo & Ali

This book covers many stories of the Prophets, from Adam (AS) to Muhammaad (SAW) in short, concise & child friendly language. Also includes a Q&A section after each story.

A-Z of Islam

A simple child friendly book on Islamic words and concepts - excellent parenting tool which will help young children.

Ramadan Resources

Above are some resources which you can use with your children during the holy month of Ramadan.