Monitoring & Internet Safety

With children likely to be spending more time online at home, online safety has never been more important.

We will be updating this area with important tips and information to help parents with online safety during this period.

Screen Time

Pupils will be receiving much more work now through many of the online platforms used by the school, much of it through programs like Google Classroom so please make sure you monitor and control the amount of screen time children receive. We do understand that the work will require pupils to spend more time in front of a screen, but please try to alternate between screen time and workbooks plus other creative activities e.g. painting, board games, etc.

This will help limit how much time children spend in front of the screen and break up their day to learn and develop other skills.

Social Media

During this time many of us will be turning towards social media apps to stay in contact with friends and family including our children, as we all need some time to socialise throughout the day, but please be mindful of the amount of time your children may spend on social media.

If you allow your child to use a phone or tablet or your child owns their own phone or tablet, please make sure you monitor who they talk to and when they are online to friends.


Can you and your family become Internet Legends?

Go on a virtual adventure as a family! This is a great opportunity to engage the adults and children at home with important online safety messages - like sharing information carefully.

What can your children tell you about sharing carefully from their learning at school? Enjoy your adventure and have fun!