
Video Transcript:

0:00 - 0:10: Title Screen with green 'Start Game' button and red 'Exit Game' button.

0:10 - 0:22: Quick introduction to the story with a button to continue above the text box.

0:22 - 0:53 : First level, player health and objective are in the top right corner, in this level the player has to defend the outpost(two structures near start) for 35 seconds. Hostile drones spawn from two directions, I used rts mode to select and send my army to one side, then entered fps mode and tried to defend the other side.

0:53: Me failing at aiming and dying to a drone (press 'F' to pay respects).

0:54 - 1:02: Defeat screen into a restart.

1:02 - 1:37: Successful retry.

1:37 - 1:50: Another story scene and continue button.

1: 50 - 2:05: Level two, where the player has to destroy two structures that constantly spawn drones (generators). I set my army between me and the generators to buffer from the drone spawns while I attacked the generators at a range, this is better done quickly as drones spawn more frequently the longer you take.

2:05 - 2:24: Victory scene...

2:24 - end: Back to the title screen.

Product Self-evaluation

Senior: Erik Millington

Senior Project Title: Video Game Design

Product: FPS RTS Hybrid ‘Return To Earth’

You may use excerpts from your journal to complete these questions. Feel free to create your own format for your self-evaluation, but ​do​ answer all seven questions. Place this completed form in your portfolio. It will be used as part of the evaluation of your product. Also, please fill out the Portfolio, Display, and Product Rubrics and add them to your portfolio by Friday, May 11, 2020 (base assessments of Display and Product on your work/ ideas up to this point).

1. Describe your product in 25-50 words.

A game that is a hybrid of the First Person Shooter and Real Time Strategy genres, where the player can constantly switch between both game styles.

2. Complete the following:

A. Date started: 7/29/2020 Date completed: 5/12/2020

B. Total hours spent on the product: about 70

C. How well did you manage your time to complete the product? What might you do differently to manage your time if you had to do this again?

I did not manage my time very well, mainly procrastination, and ended up having to rush around in the last month to get everything done. If I do this again, I would set up a work schedule and stick to it as best I can.

D. How much time did you actually spend working with your mentor?

Only a few hours, but we emailed each other relatively constantly.

E. How did you use your mentor's expertise?

Whenever I was struggling or had no idea what to do, I would ask him for help, we also had a couple of brainstorming sessions to get a basic idea of how .

3. Explain any personal satisfaction(s) you gained from the experience of working on this product.

I made a functional video game in under just under a year

4. Explain any problem(s) you encountered and solution(s) you created during your work on the product.

Mostly just me procrastinating, which I solved by forcing myself to work on a weekend schedule.

5. What was the picture in your mind of your product before you started working on it? How does this picture compare with the outcome you experienced?

In my mind, I pictured a chaotic mess that barely worked, but I ended up with an actual, functional game.

6. If given the opportunity, what would you do differently now that you have completed the product?

Set up a work schedule at the start and stick to it.

7. What is your evaluation of the product--​Exceeds Proficiency ​ , ​Proficient ​ , or Approaching Proficiency? Please justify your evaluation in a cohesive paragraph.

I believe I reached proficiency, but am not quite at exceeds proficiency. I did better than I thought I would on this product, but I didn't quite reach all the requirements I stated for exceeds proficiency at the begging of the project (make it virtual reality compatible: started, developed story: somewhat complete) but I definitely reached what I said proficient would look like (a playable game with multiple levels: true). I spent about 70 hours on this product, as opposed to the required 30, and I'm still working out bugs, so it was, and still is, a challenge. Most of this project was coding, which is both considered the pinnacle of analytical thinking, and my chosen profession, and the product is a type of game that is rarely seen, so even if I did copy something, I would have to heavily modify it to get it to work anyway.