FPS RTS Hybrid: 'Return To Earth'


A First Person Shooter(FPS), Real Time Strategy(RTS) game hybrid, where the player can switch between controlling their character in first person and controlling an army in third person.

Game story:

Upon the discovery of the Blink Drive (a form of instantaneous travel across any distance involving artificial three dimensional wormholes), humanity expanded across the Milky way galaxy extremely quickly. After predicting an eventual overpopulation of the galaxy's habitable planets, they sent an autonomous expeditionary force to scout the Andromeda galaxy. They returned several decades early, and began to lay waste to the Milky way. Humanity was on the verge of extinction when the AI's just stopped advancing, and all their drones went into a sort of poorly designed area guard mode. The theorized cause was the AI's network being overloaded by the sheer number of drones it was trying to control. Since the threat was minimized, humans began to retake their space. This is the story of what happened on Earth.


RTS(Real Time Strategy) mode:

'E': train space marine

'W', 'A', 'S', 'D': move the camera forward, left, right, and backwards respectively

'Left click': select unit

Hold 'Shift' and 'Left click': drag a box and select all units in the box on release

'Right click': tell selected units to move

'Q': switch to FPS mode

FPS(First Person Shooter) mode:

'W', 'A', 'S', 'D': move around forward, left, right, and backwards respectively

'Left click': shoot

Move mouse: look around

'Q': switch to RTS mode