Holistic Self-Assessment


I only made 8 Journal entries, and all of them, including the final, were not perfectly what was expected(bulleted lists instead of full text), so exceeds is out of the question. I do have several printed drafts of my research paper that I can scan and upload if asked. Overall I feel I met the requirements for proficiency.


I'm obviously using 21st century technology, whether or not video games are an effective use of that technology is more of a personal preference than a fact. My organization is a little lacking compared to most of my other work throughout the years. My original idea for a display is no longer an option (thanks to COVID19), so I'm currently improvising a lot with what I have on hand, mainly pictures and words, and I'm running out of interesting pictures I can take in a city ruins game. I believe I achieved proficiency here.


I did better than I thought I would on this product, but I didn't quite reach all the requirements I stated for exceeds proficiency at the begging of the project (make it virtual reality compatible: started, developed story: somewhat complete, ) but I definitely reached what I said proficient would look like (a playable game with multiple levels: true). I spent about 70 hours on this product, as apposed to the required 30, and I'm still working out bugs, so it was, and still is, a challenge. Most of this project was coding, which is both considered the pinnacle of analytical thinking, and my chosen profession, and the product is a type of game that is rarely seen, so even if I did copy something, I would have to heavily modify it to get it to work anyway. I believe that I made exceeds in the habits of work section, but otherwise got proficient.


Honestly, I have no idea how this will go. Presentations of any kind for me either go better than anyone would have expected, or take a downward spiral from word two to the end; there is no in between. I believe I am capable of meeting proficiency in the defense.