
 This page will lay out how long this project has taken me so far. i found the car on October 26th 2022, and i brought the car home the next day. We drove it half way on the trailer than started it up and drove it home. it only tookmy a couple hours to get it running to drive home

3 days straight it took me to get the new turbo on and about 21 hours right there.

i spent a week in November from the 5th to the 11th and got 17 hours putting the other parts on 

 the next big project i did was in February i stripped the engine bay apart and got ready for the head gasket.

i did the head gasket the next day and it only took me 3 hours

may 1st i got the engine pulled out the car and taken apart ready for a rebuild 

may 16th i started to reassemble  the block and paint the engine bay, it took me about 36 hours alone to prep everything for paint and rebuilding