
There are a number of policies that all parents and students must read and understand in order to use a Chromebook while at school and at home. Parents and students are asked to review the Board Policies as part of the annual update in the Parent Portal, in reference to technology use on school grounds:

  • Student Network and Internet Acceptable Use and Safety Agreement

  • Personal Communication Devices

  • Electronic Equipment

  • Care of School Property

A Parent Portal refresher video is linked here if you need any assistance navigating the system and/or forms.

1:1 Device Usage Agreement Terms

There are many educational benefits to the use of Chromebooks within the school setting. With this use comes student responsibility for appropriate use and care of the Chromebooks.

  • Students will be expected to abide by the Orange City Schools’ Acceptable Use Policy (AUP).

  • Students will bring their issued device fully charged to school each day.

  • Students will present the device to any school administrator or teacher for inspection of any content sent or received on their Chromebook.

  • Students will report to any school administrator or teacher any incidents of inappropriate communications sent or received in any form.

  • Students must not deface the Chromebook.

  • Students may not remove or tamper with the Orange City School District asset tag/barcode.