Whether it's research for homework or for your own personal interest, it's easy to get overwhelmed with the amount of information available, not to mention organizing your information. The Orange City Schools Libraries goal is to graduate students who are information literate. Information fluency or information literacy means students can:

  • access information efficiently and effectively

  • evaluate information critically and competently

  • use information accurately and creatively

  • effectively communicate and use information in a responsible manner

The Orange City School District Libraries Research Roadmap assists with the research process!

The Research Roadmap utilizes the Big6 research model that consists of 6 stages to help successfully complete any homework or research assignment regardless of grade, subject or topic. Students should be able to clearly communicate what they have learned or done upon completion. The 6 stages of the Research Roadmap include:

  1. Task Definition - What standards and skills will be addressed? What is the core content?

  2. Information Seeking Strategies - What background information is needed? Which resources are best? Definition of Research from Oxford Dictionary is the "systematic investigation into and study of materials and sources in order to establish facts and reach new conclusions."

  3. Location & Access - Where can the sources be found? How can these sources be accessed? How is information found within the sources?

  4. Use of Information - How is information evaluated for the topic? How will respect for intellectual property be demonstrated?

  5. Synthesis - How will information be organized? How will information be presented as a product?

  6. Evaluation - How will the product be evaluated? Were the requirement(s) met? What worked? What change(s) would improve the process?

The Research Roadmap and research model are part of the Orange City School District K-12 Technology Skills Graph, which includes detailed skills and tools to utilize for/with students.

Information literacy standards