
The mission of the OCSD School Libraries is to ensure that students and staff are effective users of ideas and information; independent lifelong learners, and socially responsible citizens.

Future Ready Librarians are building-level innovators who believe in:

We are Future Ready Librarians!

Your Librarians

Alison LyonOrange HS(216) 831-8600 x2134
Betsey LeeBrady MS(216) 831-8600 x3317
Pamela BlackMoreland Hills  ES(216) 831-8600 x4236

Your Library Aides

Marcy Fludine

Orange HS

(216)-831-8600 x2130

Jackie Lindic

Brady MS

(216)-831-8600 x3240

Marie Ochoa

Moreland ES

(216)-831-8600 x4231