
AIG Clusters & Plus Classes

Courses are taught by staff members who have received certification, are in the certification process, or have had professional development on teaching AIG students. Teachers who do not fall in either of these categories work closely with the AIG specialist to plan relevant instruction.

AIG Curriculum

Orange County Schools has established a strong academic program designed to serve Academically and Intellectually Gifted students.

A.L. Stanback’s AIG program is aligned with and supports the OCS AIG Plan. The AIG curriculum attempts to link the high curiosity and aptitude of gifted students with advanced coursework that moves at an accelerated pace.

AIG Specialist Responsibilities

  • Requires licensure- oversees the implementation of the district AIG Plan in the school and meets with school leadership.
  • Coordinates screening and identification.
  • Maintains records related to gifted education procedures.
  • Collaborates with other specialists and teachers at the school to differentiate learning for gifted learners.
  • Communicates with teachers, counselors, and administrators about the needs of gifted students.
  • Communicates regularly with parents about events concerning AIG students.

Ways Our Teachers Differentiate

  • Through CONTENT
    • Curriculum Compacting, Multi-Disciplinary Assignments, Rigor
  • Through PROCESS
    • Collaborative Problem Solving, Literary Experiences, Independent Study, Inquiry and Investigation
  • Through PRODUCT
    • Tiered Assignments, Performance Tasks

Science, Social Studies, and Encores

Social Studies, Science, and Encore courses are heterogeneously-grouped, students receiving services in the AIG program should expect to receive rigorous learning opportunities that promote higher levels of learning and engagement.


A.L. Stanback will begin yearly with an Annual Parent Night to discuss the Differentiated Education Plan. Throughout the year, we will have parent nights and events. There is a link on our school webpage titled “AIG” that will be updated to keep parents informed. Parents are encouraged to go to the link to view information about clubs, upcoming events, etc.