Summer Slide - Math

Ideas to Beat Summer Math Slide

Keeping math skills strong doesn’t have to be a quest this summer. Below are some ideas on ways parents and students can infuse math activities into daily summer fun.

  • Reading and Math - Read books that focus on mathematicians, problem solving, and math concepts. Ask the Oradell Public Library for recommendations or go here for inspiration.
  • Game Play = Learning Fun - Summer is the perfect time to start a family game night. Board games, such as Checkers, Mancala, and Monopoly reinforce math skills such as problem solving, planning, and patterning. Check out Greg Tang's Summer Challenge which combines a gameboard with fun math activities to complete. There's one for each grade level!
  • Techno Math - It’s not a secret that kids are motivated by technology. Try a new app or introduce coding this summer.
  • Do a math activity or project as a family or start a neighborhood math camp.
  • Visit the National Museum of Math in NYC.