OPMS Clubs & Activities

Discover a wide range of clubs, teams, and activities designed to help you connect, grow, and pursue your passions! From arts and music to sports, leadership, and academic enrichment, there's something for everyone at Orchard Park Middle School. Get involved and make the most of your middle school experience! 

Art Club

Mrs. Bond, Mrs. Fisher, Mrs. Sanchez

B Sharps

Mrs. Strohmeier

Book Fiends

Mrs. Cullen

Chamber Orchestra

Mrs. Wentland

Quaker Coding Club

Mr. McMillan


Mr. Gill & Mr. Lawley

Destination Imagination

Mr. Lovering

Drama Club

Mrs. Kelleran

Drum Club

Ms. Dings

Fiddle Club

Mrs. Schara

Fitness & Weight Room

French Club

Mrs. Schunk

Game Club

Mr. Kloster

Gender Equity Club

Ms. Ruffino

Health Club

Ms. Johnson

Intramural Sports

Jazz Ensemble

Mrs. LaPaglia

Jazz Lab

Ms. Dings


Ms. Dings & Mrs. LaPaglia

Kindness Club

Mrs. Bond & Mrs. Costello

Life & Careers Skills Club

Mrs. Waterman

Math Club

Mr. Patti


Mr. Lawley

News and Views Club

Mr. Bird & Mrs. Dunlop

OPMS Musical

Robotics Club

Mr. Roland

Science Club

Mrs. Hall

Select Choir

Mr. Carson

Spanish Club

Mrs. Pikula

Stage Crew

Mr. Carson

Student Council

Mrs. Cullen & Mrs. Daniszewski


Mrs. Hartke

Explore what the wilderness has to offer as we share experiences, go on hikes, and enjoy the outdoors!

Outdoor Wilderness Club

Mr. Pufpaff & Mr. Scheer

World Affairs

Mrs. Morgan & Mrs. Sanchez

Young Writers Club

Mrs. Batt & Mrs. Hill


Mrs. Lukowski, Mr. PufPaff, Mrs. Daniszewski