Gifted & MTSS

MTSS is a school-wide, multilevel instructional framework for supporting the needs of students. This framework incorporates universal screening, progress monitoring, and data-based decision-making for instruction and movement within the multilevel system. The system works equally well for addressing the needs of students who experience difficulties in learning and for highly capable students. The MTSS model assumes that each student receives high-quality, research-based, differentiated instruction from a general educator in a general education (classroom) setting.

The guiding principles of Montana’s MTSS

program are:

  • Strong, committed leadership.

  • Collaborative team approach so schools function as learning communities.

  • Assessment data collected regularly and used to make informed decisions about student needs.

  • School-wide commitment to ongoing training and support for staff.

  • Use of a continuum of evidence-based curriculum, instruction, and interventions to support all students’ needs.

  • Community and family involvement.

  • Fidelity to the process.

The guiding principles of quality service for gifted learners include:

  • Strong, committed leadership.

  • Collaborative team approach so schools function as learning communities.

  • Assessment data collected regularly and used to make informed decisions about student needs.

  • School-wide commitment to ongoing training and support for staff.

  • Use of a continuum of evidence-based curriculum, instruction, and interventions to support all students’ needs.

  • Community and family involvement.

  • Fidelity to the process.

Yes, they are the same.

The process employed by Multitiered Systems of Support to help struggling students succeed also works for gifted students. The process is the same; the specific interventions are different.

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