Day 2 Strand 3 Session 1

Connecting Claims, Targets, and our Montana Content Standards in Math and ELA

Stephanie Swigart

This session will take participants into a deep dive of the Smarter Balanced Content Explorer site. We will cover claims, targets and their connection to our Montana Content Standards. Participants will also become familiar with how to interpret assessment results data to plan lessons, instruction, and formative assessment.

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Click Here to Access Session Evaluation ***Note only evaluations completed no sooner than 5 minutes prior to the end of the session will be considered for either evaluation or renewal units.***

Presentation Slides (view only)

Day 2: Session 1: Connecting Claims, Targets and our Montana Content Standards- Assessment Conference 2021

Presentation Slides PDF (download)

Day 2 - Session 1 - Connecting Claims, Targets and our Montana Content Standards .pdf.pdf

Presentation Slides .pptx (download)

Day 2_ Session 1_ Connecting Claims, Targets and our Montana Content Standards- Assessment Conference 2021.pptx