Keynote Day 1

Keynote - Challenges and Practical Implications for State Testing

Ashley McGrath - Montana Assessment Director

Ms. McGrath will launch the ASSIST Conference by sharing resources and tips to navigate the two-day virtual conference and recommendations on how to build an agenda that is tailored to your professional learning needs. She will further lead the keynote in a webinar-style main room zoom to share with attendees the State of Affairs in Assessment including the status on data use and needs through Montana’s robust, interim assessment system; the OPI’s efforts on the strategic waivers; the OPI’s efforts on modifying test blueprints; and the OPI’s efforts on the MontCAS policies and procedures for participation in state testing. Although the session will have limited built-in zoom interaction by design, the keynote itself will be highly interactive to collect feedback from participants on the strategic waivers and their remaining 2020–2021 professional learning and technical assistance needs.

Keynote 1_State Affairs for Assessments_Google Slides