Getting Started
on Google Suites

Your OTU Gmail Account

What is it and how do I find it?

Never used Gmail before? Want to make sure you know how to get started with your student account? Watch this video for a quick run-down.

Want to set up your Gmail account on your cellphone? Download the Gmail app or add your account to your Outlook app through the 'Settings' under 'ADD MAIL ACCOUNT.'

All university-issued emails are distributed to students via their student email address, and all course-related questions, concerns, contact, and/or submissions are to be done through your university email. The student email system is powered by Google Apps for Education and provides email with 25GB of storage, including access to Google Calendar, Google Drive and Docs.

OntarioTech.Net login procedure

Please note that your Gmail account will be under the domain, but it is a Google account.