The concept of Same and different was introduced in the Nursery class. Learners were introduced to the concept with the help of real objects. Teacher tried to give hands-on experience to the kids about the concept with the help of an activity.

Rusa was able to classify the objects according to the attributes of same and different.

Aadhavan was able to comprehend the concept of same and different as he was able to identify the different objects from a set of similar objects.

Diamond shape

Introduction to the shape diamond was introduced in the Nursery class. The teacher displayed few objects which were diamond in shape. She even discussed the properties of the shape.

Rusa was able to identify and match similar colour diamond shapes

Aadhavan tried to identify the diamond shape and circled all the shapes.

Arpit too identified all the diamond shape and solved the worksheet independently.


Introduction to letter Rr was done in the class. Teacher introduced the phonics sound and action of letter Rr. She even displayed a few objects starting with the same letter.

Aadhavan identified the objects starting with letter Rr. He was also able to say the phonics sound and action of letter Rr.