Student Support Services

Meet Our School Counseling Team

All of our school counselors are certificated and well trained in the American School Counselor Association national model designing and delivering school counseling programs that promote equity and access for all students. While each of our counselors provide the same quality services, each counselor also has a particular focus area of interest.   OGCS counselors provide a myriad of support services virtually and in-person by appointment.

Social Emotional Support Focus

Liana Nuno, TK- Grade 9

805-623-1123 ext. 1308

   Academic & College/Career Focus

Nicole Hebert, Grades 10, 11 and 12

805-623-1123 ext. 1511


Counselor Corner Grades 6-7-8 

Liana Nuno, 

Monday-Friday from 1:30 pm to 2:00 pm

We will be learning about moods and tones. Sometimes when we are experiencing strong emotions, how we say things can come out differently than we expected. We will be learning about how to recognize when we and/or others are showing signs of a strong emotion, how our and/or other's tone changes when experiencing strong emotions, and revisit how to positively react when we or others are experiencing strong emotions/tones (coping strategies!). Each lesson will include engaging activities, videos, and discussion. I hope to see you there!

Estaremos aprendiendo sobre estados de ánimo y tonos. A veces, cuando estamos experimentando emociones fuertes, la forma en que decimos las cosas puede resultar diferente de lo que esperábamos. Aprenderemos cómo reconocer cuándo nosotros y/o los demás mostramos signos de una emoción fuerte, cómo cambia nuestro tono y/o el de los demás cuando experimentamos emociones fuertes, y revisaremos cómo reaccionar positivamente cuando nosotros u otros experimentamos emociones fuertes. tonos (¡estrategias de afrontamiento!). Cada lección incluirá actividades interesantes, videos y debates. ¡Espero verte allí!