Maker Kits

These maker kits are independent sets to encourage creative thinking, problem solving, and introduce a different concept of thinking about solving problems. From simply figuring out how to connect pieces together and make some music, to basic computer programming the various kits are available for check out within the library. The check out period is 3 days per kit, and it is recommended for the Bloxels, Sphero, and Ozobit to check out an iPad with the apps already loaded as well.

LittleBits Korg Synthkit

Create your own musical instrument by building your own circuit! Great for aspiring musicians or anyone who wants to learn more about creating stellar sound in the music industry. This kit includes blueprints to get you started, and there are tons of opportunity to give it your own personal spin!

Makey Makey

Make an everyday object into your computer’s keyboard! Fruit, water bottles, your neighbour’s cat—anything could work! Just give it a try! The kit also contains a list of websites where you can play the bongos on a banana or find instructions to make a cardboard guitar.


You don’t need to understand code or use any super-expensive computer programs to make video games. All it takes is your Bloxels game board, some blocks, a mobile device, and—of course!—your imagination. This kit takes the guesswork out of building your own video games!

Electronic Snap Circuits

This kit uses building blocks with snaps to allow you to build different electronic and electrical circuits. Each block has a different function, and the instruction manual gives you templates to build 101 different circuits so you can use them all. When you are ready and feeling up for the challenge, you can build one of your own

Draw Circuits

The Circuit Scribe Draw Circuits kit comes with six magnetic modules and a conductive ink pen to allow you to draw and create various circuits. The pen, included in the kit, is a ballpoint pen that contains silver conductive ink. You can use it to draw circuits on flexible substrates, like paper. You can then attach special electrical components to allow electrical currents to run through the components you drew. This cool new technology replaces the use of breadboards and wires.

Sphero Spark+

Designed to inspire curiosity, creativity, and invention through connected play and coding, SPRK+ is far more than just a robot. Powered by the Sphero Edu app, this kit helps you easily learn programming by completing hands-on activities and then helps you share your creations with a community. Navigate a maze. Program a painting. Mimic the solar system. Swim across the water. Have a dance party. The only limit is your imagination.

Ozobot Bit

The Ozobot Bit pocket-sized robot comes with color coded markers, stickers, and 25 activities for science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM).The Bit uses sensors to follow lines, colours, and codes on both digital surfaces (such as iPads) and physical surfaces (such as paper). You can have fun while learning how to program this tiny robot!

Kuman Kit & Raspberry PI

This kit comes with various components and sensors that can be used to learn electronics and programming using a Raspberry PI or Arduino. After they are built, these mini single-board computers can be plugged into a monitor and used as a standard desktop computer to do things like browsing the web, watching videos, doing word processing, and playing games.

Sunfounder Arduino

This beginner kit comes with tutorials to help the user learn more about Arduino. The detailed manual includes 22 projects, code, wiring, and Fritzing images. This kit is sure to introduce you to programming!