Week 21 - Friday 17th February 2023

Welsh Week

Children and teachers have been very busy this week celebrating all things welsh.  We've heard some lovely singing throughout all year groups as they practiced for the Eisteddfod.  Children have been learning and writing poems, learning songs and folk dancing, and creating a welcome poster for Oldcastle with the words - Croeso i Hengastell.  Its been a busy week and we look forward to sharing some of these with parents following the Eisteddfod.

Welsh Week finished with a welsh themed assembly led by Miss Craven with the help of Criw Cymraeg.  Criw Cymraeg members - Ella, Harmony, Sophie, Phoebe and Aaron - got all the children in assembly involved in a welsh themed quiz.  There were lots of eager hands up to answer the questions correctly.  Dai Iawn!

Children in reception wowed the rest of the assembly with a rendition of 'Pen Ysgwyddau, Coesau, Traed' - the children were amazing and knew all the actions too!  Years 1 and 2 also performed to the rest of the assembly singing 'Mrs Wishi Washi'.  Children in years 3 to 6 have been heard through the corridors practising their welsh song this week and it was a delight to hear all the children, and staff, singing 'Sosfan Fawr'.

We finished off the assembly with children reciting a welsh blessing for our school written by Miss Craven.

Gweddi Cymraeg

Goreu cam, canu cyntaf,

A beth bynnag y daw

Gallwn lwyddo gyda'n gilydd

Wrth ymuno llaw yn llaw.


We will celebrate our Eisteddfod on Wednesday 1st March and we forward to sharing work that the pupils and staff have created for Welsh Week .  

The day will start with an assembly and we will learn who will be crowned this year's Bard.  This traditional ceremony has taken place in Oldcastle for a number of years and the Bard is awarded to a year 6  pupil who has won the poetry competition.  During the ceremony, the Bard is 'robed' by her fellow classmates.   Once the ceremony is completed the Bard will read their winning poem to the rest of the school via the online assembly.  All children will be able to celebrate the achievement to congratulate the Bard.  We look forward to sharing photos with you.

Throughout the day, all pupils will be showcasing their Welsh week performances in singing, poetry and folk dancing within their house colour groups and staff will judge and award points to the winning house.  Our house captains will be busy on the day announcing the winning house after each performance.  We will also be announcing the art and poetry writing competition winners. 

Finally, at the end of the school day, we will also be announcing the winning 'house' in an online assembly.  All points accumulated from children's participation in Welsh week and the Eisteddfod will be totalled and the winning house will receive our Eisteddfod trophy! 

Children may wear house colours or welsh costume to school on 1st March.

Industrial Action

We are sure you have heard via the media that another strike day is planned for Thursday 2nd March for NEU members, following the pay award negotiations. We know how important it is for you to be informed in good time to allow the necessary arrangements to made for childcare, but we would like to wait until the end of next week to update you. This will take into account any developments or discussions the unions have with Welsh Government over the next few days, which could mean a change to arrangements.

We will email all parents next Thursday 23rd February with further information on how the school will be affected. 

February Half Term

Don't forget we break up for half term today and we return to school on Monday 27th February.

School Values

This month's school values are co-operation and being a good citizen within society 

Schools Love Reading

We were delighted to be able to iffer every child in the school the oppoirtunity to select a free book to take home today.  The books have been provided as part of the Welsh Government's Schools Love Reading campaign.  We hope you and your child enjoy the book they have chosen. 

Every child has also been given a World Book Day voucher today.  This voucher can be swapped for a World Book Day book for free for local book sellers. More information on the World Book Day books available can be found here.

Year 1 Artwork

Year 1 have loved creating some new artwork for our walls with the help of Huxley and Mabel today. We can't wait to show off the finished painting. 

Language and Play Session

This week in our LAP session, we read the book ‘Rainbow Fish’, a lovely story about sharing.  The children and their grown ups had fun creating their very own CD Rainbow Fish and painting using celery sticks to print the scales.  Mrs Diehl was very impressed with all the children’s work and their lovely singing of the rainbow song in welsh - Da iawn!  LAP will return  in two weeks on Wednesday 8th March due to half term and the Eisteddfod.

Strep A / Scarlet Fever

We have received reports of Strep A / scarlet fever within Oldcastle Primary School and Public Health Wales have asked us to remind parents of the main symptoms of these.

If you or your child display symptoms of scarlet fever it is important to stay at home, away from nursery, school or work for at least 24 hours after starting the antibiotic treatment, to avoid spreading the infection.

If your child becomes ill over the holiday period please do let us know via the ask@oldcastleprimary.co.uk.

School Meals

The catering team will be providing a special menu on St David's Day.  The menu will consist of pork and leek sausage or veggie sausage, yorkshire pudding and vegetables.  Dessert will be welsh cakes, fruit salad or yoghurt.

Nut Free School

Please can we remind parents that we strive to be a nut free school as we have a number of pupils who have a severe allergy to nuts.  This includes nut products such as peanut butter and nutella. 

Admissions to school

Please refer to the Bridgend Council website for details of applications to school, currently applications are open for children moving to secondary school and children  moving from nursery to reception.

Applications are open from 9th January for admission to nursery with a start date from September 2023

BCBC School Admissions

School Photos

Digital Competence

Year 5 and 6Y have had a fantastic time in Sony Uk recently learning about digital competency and trying out Raspberry Pi's.  6H will visit after half term.

Year 6 visit to Nursery

Year 6 visited nursery this week and it looks like everyone enjoyed the visit!


So lovely to see such lovely activities taking place throughout the school and beyond for our Friday afternoon enrichment programme.  This term we have such a variety of activities taking place including line dancing, cooking, gardening, lego, science experiments, fitness, tennis, fencing, felt, digital skills, textiles to name a few!

Useful Dates

Inset Days 2022 / 23

Inset days for the remainder of the school year

Term Dates - all term dates are available to view on our website

Contact details

We regularly email and send App messages to parents - please ensure we have up to date contact details for you to ensure you keep up to date with school news.  You can either email us with change of details (ask@oldcastlprimary.co.uk) or complete the change of details form.  

Community News

Poetry Competition

The Wildlife Trust is running a children’s poetry competition to celebrate World Poetry Day (21st March). Winners will receive Dan Rouse's new book 'The Children's Book of Birdwatching', as well as a selection of other inspiring children's books and a visit from our Badger mascot on the 21st! WThe trust want to read poems all about what nature means to them, their experiences with nature, and why nature is important. All the info is on their website below.


WILD Words Poetry Competition | The Wildlife Trust of South and West Wales (welshwildlife.org)


In the event that you have a concern regarding a child please follow this procedure:

More information on Safeguarding at Oldcastle can be found on our website. 

School Vision

At Oldcastle, we are proud of each other and ourselves. We nurture all of our community so that we grow as confident, responsible and happy people. Oldcastle school is more than just learning.



Together we make the difference

Together we shape innovative experiences 

More information on our values and visions can be found on our website.  Visions and Values