Week 5 - Friday 4th October 2019

Children's Voice Elections

We are looking forward to holding our Children's Voice elections next week. We will share the results with parents once the votes have all been counted!

Welsh National Opera

Our years 5 and 6 pupils were lucky to be able to visit the Wales Millennium Centre this week to see the dress rehearsal of the Welsh National Opera production 'The Cunning Little Vixen'. The children were very well behaved with the Wales Millennium Centre staff complimented our pupils on their good behaviour.

We were delighted to see a pupil of Oldcastle performing in the production. It was such a joy and privilege to see Layla on the stage at the Wales Millennium Centre this week. She has always enjoyed her singing at Oldcastle and we look forward to many more performances throughout her time at Oldcastle. Da Iawn Layla we are all proud of you.

World Mental Health Day - Thursday 10th October

Next week on Thursday, Oldcastle will be supporting World Mental Health Day.

We aim to

  • be a mentally healthy school that adopts a whole-school approach to mental health and wellbeing
  • help children to flourish, learn and succeed by providing opportunities for them, and the adults around them
  • develop the strengths and coping skills that underpin resilience

Harvest Festival

As part of our school harvest festival celebrations we are collecting items for Bridgend Foodbank. The foodbank have advised us of items that they require - please refer to the image below. In particular the following items would be helpful:

  • Tinned meat (corned beef / ham)
  • Tinned fish
  • Tinned vegetables
  • Tinned fruit / rice puddings / sponge pudding / custard
  • UHT Milk
  • Spreads (jam, marmalade)
  • Coffee
  • Crackers

They do not need baked beans or pasta at the present time. Please bring any donations into school by 18th October. Thank you for your support.

This week year 4 had a visit from the Food Bank. Class 4C have put together some information for our parents:

We talked about how we can help at Oldcastle and we have been inspired to help the cause. We will collect as much food as possible for our Local Food Bank. As well as tins and long life foods they are in particular trying to collect; tinned fruit, coffee, tea and long life milk. The food bank does not accept fresh food as it will go out of date quickly. Please, if you can, donate by the 18/10/19.

School Bags

We have very limited storage for bags in school so please can we ask that children only bring the required items into school so that bags can be stored on coat pegs or the storage boxes. Please can we also ask that children bring a coat to school, the weather is so unpredictable at the moment and children will require a coat throughout the school day.

Music Scholarship

Pupils who have applied for the music scholarship will be informed of their audition date next week. The auditions will take place on Thursday 10th October.

Super Singing Teddy

Congratulations to class 2GL who won the award for super singing today - they will have our super cuddly teddy to keep them company next week in class. Da Iawn.

School Holiday Club - October Half Term

The Oldcastle holiday club will operate from Monday 28th October to Friday 1st November from 9am to 3.30pm at a cost of £18 per day. Children from the age of 5 years to 11 years will be able to attend the club. Children will be able to participate in a range of exciting sports, and arts and crafts activity sessions throughout the day provided by our qualified staff. The Club will operate in the main hall and nursery areas in the school and utilise other areas as required. Children will need to bring a packed lunch and water to drink throughout the day. Please complete a booking form for each child. Once your booking form has been received we will issue a Parent Pay invoice to you. Discounts are available for sibling and weekly bookings. Please contact the admin team on 01656 815790 or by email holidayclub@oldcastleprimary.co.uk if you have any questions.

Booking forms are available here.

Panto - Years 3 to 6

Years 3 to 6 will be visiting the Panto in Porthcawl this years on 18th December. This years children will be entertained by a cast performing Snow White. The performances are always enjoyable. The cost of the trip is £11 and children will require a packed lunch on the day. If you wish your child to attend please ensure payment is made through Parent Pay by Thursday 24th October. Tickets will be booked and paid for on Friday 25th October and we cannot guarantee a place if you have not paid by this date.

Choir concert - Friday 11th October

Our school choir will be performing at the Bridgend Male Choir Annual Concert on Friday 11th October at the Sony Theatre, Bridgend College. We have a limited amount of tickets available for parents to buy. Parents of choir children may buy 2 tickets per child at a cost of £10 per adult or £2.50 per child. Please contact the admin office if you would like to purchase tickets. Tickets are also available from the Bridgend Male Choir website.

We have been extremely fortunate to receive funding from Bridgend Male Choir to purchase new shirts and toes for members of the school choir. The children will be showcasing their new uniform at the concert on 11th October - we look forward to sharing the photos with you following the concert.

Choir ambassadors were recognised in assembly today. The children were randomly selected to help coordinate choir members - the ambassadors were presented with their badge today. Shannon, Evan, Anna, Hannah, Angelina, Evelyn, Isobel and Grace.

Sporting Success

We have learnt this week that congratulations are in order to Eliza in year 3 who have been selected to represent Wales in the national squash team. Well done Eliza.

A number of our pupils represented Oldcastle at the schools cross country competition last weekend. Well done to everyone that took part and respresented the school - Dan, Lewis, Isaac, Ella, Macy, Seth, Finley, Dextor, Freddie, Grace and Iris.


P.E. will be held on the following days for each year group:

  • Nursery - Friday
  • Reception - Friday
  • Year 1 - Monday
  • Year 2 - Tuesday
  • Year 3 - Monday
  • Year 4 - Wednesday
  • Year 5 - Thursday
  • Year 6 - Thursday

Schools Cross Country Event - Years 3 to 6

The first event for the Schools Cross Country competition will be held at Bryntirion Comprehensive School on Saturday 28th September. Good luck to all that attend!

There are 4 races, with the first race beginning at 10am and therefore attendees must arrive no later than 9.30am. The competition is for junior age children (years 3-6) and children must be accompanied by an adult, who is responsible for their child’s welfare at all times at each venue. The events should be finished by 11am. NO DOGS ARE EVER ALLOWED AT THE EVENTS.

To enter children and parents simply need to meet at the venue and a parent has offered to coordinate children from Oldcastle on the day. Children will be provided with Oldcastle bibs to wear for the competition - these bibs were provided by the PTA and Bridgend Male Choir.

Two further events are provisionally arranged for Saturday 19th October and Saturday 23rd November. Venues tbc.

Sporting Success

Congratulations to Florence in year 5 who has been selected for the Under 13's Wales National Basketball team. Well done Florence.

Headteacher Award

The following children were presented with a Headteachers Award during assembly today. This weeks theme is 'writing'.

  • Year 1 Mrs Morcom-Lewis - Sofia
  • Year 1 Miss Vaughan - Olivia
  • Year 2 Mrs Roberts - Florence
  • Year 2 Miss Lewis / Mrs Guy - Holly
  • Year 3 Brotherton / Mrs Burr - Maisie
  • Year 3 Miss Davies - Emily
  • Year 4 Miss Radford - Thor-Alan
  • Year 4 Miss Craven - Lyra
  • Year 5 Miss Jones - Finn
  • Year 5 Miss James - Amy
  • Year 6 Mrs Coleman - Ashton
  • Year 6 Mrs Evans - Dexter

Don't forget School Savings Club every Wednesday

Diary Dates

  • Friday 11th October - Choir concert at Sony Theatre
  • Monday 14th October - Reception Autumn Walk to Newbridge Fields
  • Friday 18th October - PTA Clothing Collection
  • Friday 25th October - Term Ends
  • Monday 28th October to Friday 1st November - Half term
  • Monday 4th November - Inset Day
  • Tuesday 5th November - Inset Day
  • Wednesday 6th November - Back to School
  • Wednesday 18th December - Juniors to visit Pantomime
  • Friday 20th December - Term Ends
  • Monday 6th January - Back to School
  • Monday 17th February to Friday 21st February - Half term
  • Monday 24th February - Back to School
  • Monday 6th April to Friday 17th April - Easter holidays
  • Monday 20th April - Back to school
  • Monday 25th May to Friday 29th May - Half term
  • Monday 1st June - Inset Day
  • Tuesday 2nd June - Inset Day
  • Friday 17th July - Term Ends
  • Monday 20th July - Inset Day

Inset Days 2019/20

  • Monday 4th November 2019
  • Tuesday 5th November 2019
  • Monday 1st and Tuesday 2nd June 2020
  • Monday 20th July 2020