Welcome to E.S.K.V. Okawa,
the student kayak association of Eindhoven! 

Weekly Training 

During the weekly training in the pool of the Student Sportscenter, a lot of attention is paid to the techniques and skills required for trips outside and freestyle kayaking. And sometimes the training is closed with a fun game. Every Monday we have a dedicated trainer and on Fridays, you are free to practice newly learned tricks from Mondays with tips from other members. You can find us every Monday (20:30 till 22:00 o'clock) and Friday (19:00 till 20:30 o'clock) in the pool of the Student Sportscenter.

You're always more than welcome to join one of our introduction weekends which take place in April/May and September, if you want to join a training you can send an email to us, Okawa. 

All you need is swimwear and a towel!!

Whitewater trips and more

We canoe throughout the year on different rivers and waters in Europe (and if possible, outside of Europe). Our focus is on Whitewater and freestyle kayaking. And we also like to have all sorts of non-kayak activities like parties, barbecues and movie nights.

A couple of times a year we have camps where we got to a cool kayak spot for a longer period. For instance, the summer camp, Ardennes weekend and spring camp. These camps also provide the possibility to go a little further from home.


Read more about past trips in the trip reports! And see the Agenda for all the dates of the trips!

Introduction Weekend

The best way to join Okawa is to join one of the introduction weekends, twice a year Okawa organises an introductory course. The course consists of four training sessions to teach you the basics and a weekend on whitewater to bring these into practice. To take place in this course you don't have to be a member (yet).

If you want to get more information on the course? Or if you want to know when the next course starts? Please send an email to the board.