Board 2017-2018

Here you can find more information on the current board of Okawa and their predecessors. The board currently consists of five people: chairman,  secretary, treasurer and vice-chairman.



This administration was inaugurated on November the 28th, during the 25th GMM in Eindhoven.


Chairman – Sfia Bearzatto

Sfia thought Roderik was talking too much during the board meeting last year, so she decided to become chairman herself. However this meant she would have to give her baby, the books of Okawa, up for adoption. But the chairman has access to the Bank account of Okawa, so she will probably be checking this a lot. Sfia started her master this year, so unfortunately she does not have the time to go on a trip every weekend and she even missed one whole!!! Training because of this. If you ever have a question or want some canoeing advice, ask her in the swimming pool, she will try to help you and answer it your question. You can find her in the swimming pool almost every training.

Secretary – Elisa van de Schoot

Elisa is a first year’s industrial design student. This is also her first year of kayaking and also her first year at Okawa. Although this seams as a big step for someone who just entered the university, she will be quite well suited for the function with her planning skills. Furthermore Elisa is a very good driver; she has proven her driver skills at the Salm trip we made this year during the heavy snow fall. She likes to join every activity Okawa organizes and helps Okawa where she can. She seems to be a cute and shy girl, but when you get to know her better… you will know better. She will do well this year at the board and will help Okawa grow!

Treasurer – Ron de Crom

Ron is a new board member and a new Okawa member as well. He is really enthusiastic and shows this at both Okawa and his own Study association, Van der Waals. He is present at almost every trip and you can recognize him with his purple Red Hot Chili Peppers cap.  Ice Tea Green is far out his favorite drink, so if you ever wonder what you should give him as a present, lots of Ice Tea Green will be received with great thanks for sure. This year he takes over Sfia’s baby, ‘the books of Okawa’. He is brave enough to look after Okawa’s money, because he is a great protective dad. Now and then he forgets something, things like his training gear, but he is working hard to improve this, so at the end of this year he will always have all his gear with him. All in all, Ron is a nice and well caring  guy. The time fly’s by with him.

Vice-chairman – Randor Bongers

Randor is extending his time in the board. He will be glad to help you, not as your event commissioner, but this time as your vice-chairman. Last year it turned out that every piece of work or happening could be translated into an event some way or another, so vice-chairman should be a safer function. He will be overseeing and supporting a lot of our committees, is organizing exchanges with other associations and of course will be representing the chairman at constitutional drinks and other inter-association events. The last mentioned task had to be added to his job description, since he was missing his events a little bit.

He can be found every Monday in the swimming pool, where he is practicing his freestyle moves among other things.  Unfortunately he cannot be with us on Friday since he  abandons us to train at the Maaslande Kanovereniging Oss. Luckily he joins us at many trips and non-kayaking activies, so we do not have to miss him.

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