Join Okawa

Looking for an active, outdoorsy, but especially a socially tight-knit and fun student association? Okawa is one which enjoys the excitement of kayaking.
During the week in the pools, training those freestyle skills. Imagine cartwheeling through the water in a boat, doing a front or even a backflip, or swimming upside down in the water. After a ton of practice, these are only a few of the things you may be able to do.

And it doesn’t only end here, because training for those outdoor trips in the weekends and vacations, where you can race down those white water rivers is also a large part of what the association keeps itself busy with. Flipping back upright and perhaps, imagine, after some years of practice, going down a waterfall!

Okawa is, however, not only to be found on the water, but also takes the pleasure in many other social activities. We are a tightly knit group of students often enjoying a fun night of board games, an afternoon of bouldering, or maybe a movie night. As a student association all members together take the initiative of organizing all this fun and excitement and make sure to keep the association running, creating a strongly connected community and a lively association.

In case that all sounds interesting, here is some general information:

-       Trainings are on Monday (20:30-22:00) and Friday (19:00-20:30) evenings. And keep the rest of the evening free for a drink and some more fun 😉

-       We have an intro weekend organized! After participating in 4 trial trainings, we take a group of people, interested in joining the association, onto a nice river to experience the excitement the association could give. This weekend takes place both approximately mid-May and end-September

Interested in joining? Just fill in this form (or click the button below) and we will contact you around the time of the introweekend and when the trial trainings start with some more information.

Any other questions? Send us an email at