


This administration was inaugurated on November the 15th, during the 24th GMM in Eindhoven.


Chairman – Roderik Blok

He already kayaks for a couple of years with a great enthusiasm at Okawa and is also an active member outside of his kayak, if he is not devoted to his study of mechanical engineering. After a year of distance from the Okawa board (painfully), is ons Blok in de branding teruggekeerd. Roderik holds the post of chairman and is only one position away from a quarted of all major board positions. With such an experienced chairman next year will have to be a success.

Secretary – Chiel Ton

Have you heard the story about the keys? If not please ask Chiel. Of course everybody knows Chiel as the person who lost his car keys. But this is not the only thing he has forgotten over the years. If his head wasn’t attached to his body he would probably have lost it at some point. Luckily he never forgets to come to the training and fanatically practice in his Fuse. He will hopefully also not forget his mentor kids at Electro. Chiel will fulfil the post of secretary conscientiously. 

Let’s hope the registration forms won’t magically disappear........

Treasurer – Sfia Bearzatto

Sfia is for the third year in a row the treasurer of Okawa. During the formation of this board she contemplated the idea of having a different position in the board. However once she was told that a different position meant she could no longer take care of her baby, the books of Okawa, she decided to continue another year as treasurer. Her motherly instinct is strong, however the fact that she is displaying this behaviour to our books might be problematic. 

anyhow, she is great at is and maybe we will be able to separate her from this position next year.........

Vice-chairman – Chaneequa Kocken

Chaneequa decided that after a year of having to write down all the statements and decisions of the board she wanted a different position. This year she will be our vice-chairman and she will take care of a large number of our commissions. amongst these commissions is the summercamp commission. This gives us hope that after a two year tease of will she/won't she join on the summercamp, she come along this year. 

This and many other things we will await with excitement.

Event commissioner - Randor Bongers

Red-hot on the board of Okawa is Randor. Who (or what) is Randor actually: Take 21 years of life experience, add a whiff of Slalom-Kayak experience, a pinch of experience in the intro-committee and of course a large dose of enthusiasm. Stir well and let it bake in the sun.

Randor, together with his enthusiasm and perseverance, has the great honour to be the first Okawaan ever to fulfil the post of event commissioner. It’s safe to say the Lustrum will be a success this year!

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