Research Unit 1 (RU1): OGS-Trieste

- Renata Giulia Lucchi, Senior research scientist at OGS and adjunct Professor-II at CAGE-UiT (2018-2021), main proponent and scientific coordinator of IRIDYA, will be responsible for the sedimentological study on the sediment cores and will lead the IRIDYA new acquisition on the RV Laura Bassi (Expedition LB21).

- Riccardo Geletti, Senior technologist, will coordinate the processing, interpretation, and integration of the geophysical data;

- Roberto Romeo, Technologist, will work on the multibeam bathymetry and backscatter;

- Andrea Caburlotto, Technologist, sediment core analyses at OGS Core-Logging-Lab;

- Nessim Douss, PhD student, will work on sediment composition (XRF-core scan, XRD analysis, CHN, EDAX at the electron-microscope);

- Enrico Pochini, PhD student, will work on numerical modelling of ice sheet-ocean interactions.

- Francesca Battaglia, PhD student, geophysical data, processing and interpretation.

- Michele Petrini, Research scientist, will work on numerical modelling of ice sheet-ocean interactions.

Research Unit 2 (RU2): INGV-Rome

- Chiara Caricchi, Research scientist, leader of RU2, in charge of paleomagnetic analyses on the sediment cores.

- Patrizia Macrì, Research scientist, will contribute with palaeomagnetic analysis and interpretation.

Research Unit 3 (RU3): Department of Earth Sciences, University of Pisa

- Caterina Morigi, Professor at the University of Pisa, working on foraminifera biostratigraphy and palaeoceanography. Caterina is the leader of RU3.

- Karen Gariboldi, Research scientist, working on diatoms;

- Fiorenza Torricella, PhD student working on diatoms and radiolaria;

- Viviana Maria Gamboa-Sojo, Research scientist, working on foraminifera;

- Laura Bronzo, PhD student working on nannofossils;

- Fernando Sergio Gois Smith, PhD student working in sedimentology and stable isotopes

Research Unit 4 (RU4): Department of Environmental Sciences, Informatics and Statistics, Ca' Foscari University of Venice

- Patrizia Ferretti, Research scientist in geochemistry with large experience in stable isotope analyses is the leader of RU3 and will provide with stable isotopes (C and O) and Ca/Mg ratio analysis on foraminiferal tests.

International partners

IRIDYA collaborates with CAGE, the Centre for Arctic Gas Hydrate, Environment and Climate, and with the Department of Geology, of UiT – the Arctic University of Norway, Tromsø.

Prof. Karin Andreassen, Professor in Marine Geology and Geophysics, Director of CAGE.

Dr. Monica Winsborrow, Senior research scientist in glaciology, leader of CAGE-WP2.

Dr. Andreia Aletia Plaza Faverola, Research scientist working in geophysics.

Dr. Henry Patton, Research scientist working on ice sheet numerical models.

Dr. Jochen Knies, Senior research scientist at the Geological Survey of Norway, and leader of CAGE-WP5. Dr Knies was chief scientist during the data acquisition CAGE19-3KH.

Prof. Jan Sverre Laberg, Full-professor at UiT, working on acoustic data and sediment cores.

Other collaboration include:

Dr. Katrine Husum, Senior research scientist at Norwegian Polar Institute of Tromsø, and full professor at the University of Svalbard working on palaeoceanography and biostratigraphy (Foraminifera).

Mr. James Rolfe, Senior manager of the Godwin Laboratory for Palaeo-climate Research at the University of Cambridge (UK), will contribute with laboratory access to UniVE (of which he is official partner) for isotopic analysis.

The Italian research team

Renata G. Lucchi, OGS, CAGE-UiT, IRIDYA lead, Sedimentology

Nessim Douss, Uni-Trieste, OGS, RU1, Sedimentology and XRD

Riccardo Geletti, OGS, RU1, Geophysics

Laura Bronzo, Uni-Pisa, RU3, Micropaleontology-Nannofossils

Fernando Sergio Gois Smith, UNi-Pisa, RU3, Sedimentology and XRD

Roberto Romeo, OGS, RU1 and Party Chief LB21-Leg1, Bathymetric data processing

Caterina Morigi, Uni-Pisa, lead RU3, Micropaleontology

Andrea Caburlotto, OGS, RU1, Core Logging with MSCL and MSCL-XCT

Chiara Caricchi, INGV, lead RU2, Paleomagnetism

Viviana Maria Gamboa Sojo, Uni-Pisa, RU3 (presently at The Univ. of Costa Rica), Micropaleontology-Foraminifers

Karen Gariboldi, Uni-Pisa, RU3, Micropaleontology-Diatoms

Patrizia Ferretti, Uni-Venice, lead RU4, Stable isotopes (O, C, Ca/Mg)

Fiorenza Torricella, UNi-Pisa, RU3, Micropaleontology-Diatoms

Enrico Pochini, Uni-Trieste, OGS, RU1, Numerical modelling

Michele Petrini, OGS, RU1, Numerical modelling

Patrizia Macrì, INGV, RU2, Paleomagnetism

Francesca Battaglia, Uni-Venice, OGS, RU1, Geophysics

Federica Relitti, OGS, Bio-geochemistry

Matteo Bazzaro, OGS, Sedimentology and geochemistry

Leonardo Sagnotti, INGV, Paleomagnetism

Michele Rebesco, OGS, Marine geology

Francesco Princivalle, Uni-Trieste, XRD and sediment composition

Daniela Accettella, OGS, Geophysical data acquisition and processing

Andrea Gallerani, CNR-ISMAR, Geological data acquisition and XRF scan

Marianna Del Core, CNR-IAS, Geological data acquisition and pollutants

Francesco Coslovic, OGS, Data acquisition and geophysical data processing

Isabella Tomini, OGS, Geophysical data acquisition

Fabrizio Zgur, OGS, Geophysical data acquisition and processing

Gianpaolo Visnovic, OGS, Geological data acquisition

Lorenzo Facchin, OGS, Party Chief LB21-Leg2

Andrea Cova, OGS, Geological data acquisition

Theophile Mugerwa, University of Rwanda Sediment analyses