Sediment cores
Page in progress
Sediment subsamples have been collected at every 5-cm along the whole length of Core LB21-3-IRIDYA-02PC for a total of 104 samples.
About 4 cc of sediments have been collected with plastic syringes, placed in glass vials and weighted to determine the sediment wet bulk density. The glass vials will be left in an oven at 105°C during 24 h to determine the sediment porosity, water content, and dry bulk density.
Part of these sediments will be analysed for textural characteristics and geochemical composition.
The deposition from the efflux of sediment laden meltwaters appear on the X-rays as closely-alternated intervals of sand or silt (dark-gray horizons), and clay (light-gray intervals). Such a kind of deposits are called plumites. Coarse detritus transported and released by icebergs (Ice-Rafted Debris) appear on the radiographs as dark spots.
The correspondent picture made on the fresh sediment surface do not allow to distinguish the delicate depositional structures observed through X-rays except for the presence of IRD (Ice-Rafted Debris) appearing as dark spots.