Unlock the Power of Cyber Hygiene
Our Product
PopLock is a pop up for people who use public wifi. Our pop up includes information about dangers of using a public wifi network and ways you can mitigate the risks. Businesses who provide public wifi networks can keep their customers and networks safe and educate users to have better cyberhygiene practices.
With PopLock, VPN Networks can advertise their services while educating their customers about the dangers of public wifi. When most people go to Internet Cafes, libraries, or even restaurants and hotels, they join free wifi services without a second thought. At the bottom of the browser to login, there is an “accept terms of use” box that people click without thinking. What does that entail? What are the aforementioned terms of use? Why can these establishments afford to offer “free” wifi?
PopLock allows VPN Networks to sponsor establishments with free wifi to advertise their services. VPN Networks can invest a small amount in PopLock, and establishments can offer an ongoing rate for VPN Services to sponsor free wifi for their customers. However, PopLock works by enabling “pop-ups” before a customer can connect, where each pop-up shares a different danger of connecting to free wifi. In order to finalize their connection, customers must close every pop-up, ending with one ensuring their data would be secure with the investment of their services. VPN Networks can profit with the added exposure and advertisement, and customers can benefit by being forced to acknowledge the dangers of public wifi services and securing their data.
Our services have been most tested with consumers through polls. We have polled groups, asking how much they know about cyber hygiene, if they know the dangers of public wifi, and if they are likely to change their habits. On their knowledge of cyber hygiene and the dangers of public wifi, the majority of potential consumers put themselves “below average” (2 or less on a scale out of 5), and on their likeness to change their cyber hygiene habits, most responders marked themselves “above average” (3 or more on a scale out of five). The product would give consumers a reason to change their habits through their education of cybersecurity. Most consumers genuinely aren't aware that their data is not secure when using public and free wifis, and would be incredibly likely to change their habits when made aware of the real dangers of free or public wifi.
Invest in PopLock for your VPN network TODAY! Increase demonstrated necessity while being truthful with customers to help them secure their data!