11th Grade Information

Hello Upperclassmen!!

Your junior year can be one of the toughest years.  You are working hard to complete your graduation requirements and really narrowing down plans for after high school.  The 11th grade schedule consists of 7 courses: English, math, science, social studies, public speaking (semester), personal finance (semester) and 2 electives.  If you have already completed Public Speaking and or Personal Finance try filling that spot with a class that is on one of your career clusters Program of Study.  You will see that there are a lot more elective offerings for juniors and seniors to choose from in our Career & Educational Planning Guide.  Take the time to read through the course descriptions or talk to the teachers if you have questions about any of the courses. For those planning to attend college, take a look at the dual credit course offerings available to help you get a jump on college credits.  


Activities to complete during junior year to ensure readiness for senior year and beyond.

Clever MO Connections log in tip sheet

Our go to site for college and career planning. We will visit this site yearly for your individual career and academic planning.

Junior year is typically the first year that students take the ACT. For resources to study and prepare for this college readiness exam, please see the link below. 

Keep in mind that if you qualify for free or reduced lunch, you can receive a waiver from the counseling office to take the ACT twice for free.

Free ACT Test Prep from ACT