Shadows, Silhouettes, and Reflection


Natural Light - using the sun for a photograph. Using it against an object can cause it to have a really nice golden outline, as pictured below.

Shadow - using light against an object to make a shape. It can sometimes make it look like there is a drawing of the object, like pictured below.

Reflection - Using a reflective surface to photograph what reflects onto it. using this technique can distort a photo, and look like there may be another dimension of the world, or make something look invisible.



I went hog wild when doing these photos. I loved how I used my phone as the reflection of the houses near our school!


1. What part of your finished project did you find most successful and why?

I found the whole project pretty successful because the instructions and photography were pretty straight forward.

2. What part of your finished project did you find least successful and why?

As my first answers states, there was not a least succesful part of this assignment.

3. If you had to do this project again, what part would you change or improve on and why?