Coping Strategies

Coping strategies are a great way to take your mind off stress built up within. The ones on this infographic are great examples of these strategies that can be immediately implemented. They aren't physically nor mentally taxing, yet yield very effective results that can be noticed within the first or second time they're utilized.

"The most simple things can bring the most happiness"

-Isabella Scorupco

Ways to limit screen time

Technology is such a big part of our lives, but it may become overwhelming and consuming. Below are some strategies to help decrease your screen time if you feel it may be affecting your mental health.

  • Eat meals with no screen

  • No screens in bed

  • set a timer when to break from screens

  • sleep routine and structure

  • Be active/ have hobbies without screens

Remember to take small steps to create a long term change!

If you feel that technology use is impacting your mental health, ask your guidance counsellor to see if you can get a referral to Ms. Diallo.