Apps for Mental Health


Calm provides tools for improving sleep, lowering stress, and reducing anxiety.



Headspace includes meditations, tools to help improve sleep, and tips to make your day better.



Reflectly is a personal mental health companion that checks in with you and has a journal where you can write about your day.



Moodfit offers a mood journal, breathing exercises, sleep advice, and daily motivational notifications/tips on how to make your day better.



MoodMission provides you "missions" you can do that can lead you to discovering new coping strategies for dealing with depression and anxiety.



Talkspace is an app meant to connect teens age 13+ to a licensed therapist online based on your preferences and needs.


Have an Apple Watch?

If you have an Apple Watch, the Breathe/Mindfulness app is a free app which helps you focus, relax, and get back on track for the day.

Educational Websites

One way to reduce stigma surrounding mental health is through education. Learning about mental health issues that affect children and youth can help us have more open conversations and seek help when we are struggling. Check out the websites below to start learning!

Canadian Mental Health Association

The CMHA website serves is a useful tool to learn more about child and youth mental health issues. Click the link below to explore the issues, helpful services, and additional information.


eMentalHealth is a website that allows you to learn about various mental health issues. It also allows you to search for resources available in your area. Click the link below to explore the eMentalHealth website.

School Mental Health Ontario

School Mental Health Ontario is a website with resources for students, parents, families, and teachers. The mental health resources available through School Mental Health Ontario use evidence-based strategies and services to enhance mental health practices among the school community.