Business & Technology

Business and Technology

Business Department

The business department at St. Pius X High School will enable the students to learn about different facets of the business world through a variety of courses available beginning in grade 10. Whether a student is curious about the basics of business, intro to business, or an avid follower of the market world, international business, the St. Pius X Business department has something for every interest. The world of marketing and advertising is thoroughly covered in the marketing course. Students have a chance to highlight their creative interests through the marketing RST with the production of real-world market research. The focus on the development of the future financial contributing members of our society is the specializing focus of the accounting courses. These courses will help students assess and manage finances and give them the tools required to make sound financial decisions later on in life. 

The business courses at St. Pius X also incorporate the real-world business sector of our society by inviting guest speakers to come to our school to share and enlighten our students with their business story. We also have numerous contacts in our school community that help our students with transitions into business programs for post secondary education. The St.Pius X high school business department is a great starting point for all students.

Technology Department

The technology department at St.Pius X High School specializes in introducing students to many different types of life skills. From building a unique piece of furniture in our construction shop to getting your hands inside of an automotive engine in our industry standard auto mechanics shops, St. Pius X has it all. Our computer science courses are the ideal setting for students interested in programming and our design labs are where students learn to use industry standard equipment, including CAD software used in the architectural sector. There are also many possibilities for students to get an early jump into a career path through our technology programs. OYAP (Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Program) is a common pathway for students interested in pursuing a lucrative career in the trades. Getting a start into an apprenticeship while completing the high school diploma requirements is an opportunity that exists for all students in Ontario. We also have several tech clubs that run during the school year which are designed to keep students engaged in the ever changing world of technology. 

This course will have an emphasis on Sports and Entertainment Management

Learn all about health care issues, fundamentals and skills in this new course. 

A new course for students to explore the world of esthetics and these skilled trades