ECL Program

ECL- Education For Communication Living

High School System Class - Age 16-21

What is a System Class?

System Class Placement: Students whose needs are best met in a special classroom environment but who may also be integrated within a regular classroom, school and community.

Graduates leave our program at age 21 with a Certificate of Accomplishment.

Students will have four main components to their education in the senior program.

1.ECL CLASSROOM: Focus will be on functional academics, social/ behavioral needs, leisure recreational needs and life/employability skills all targeted to the individual needs and level of the student.

2. COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES: Students routinely access the community as part of the program. Transit training and hands on experiential learning are incorporated into everyday activities.

3. INTEGRATION CLASS: Students are integrated into either an Art or Phys. Ed class. ECL's overall goal is social interaction among all students in a class.

4. WORK EXPERIENCE: In preparation for life after high school, students begin work on employability skills. Some students are able to move into community placements, when and if they are ready for independent work placements.