As a Catholic school, students will study Religion this year in class. As with our other subjects, a variety of teaching methods will be used to deliver this curriculum.

The Religion Curriculum

Here is a link to the Grade 6 Religion Curriculum. As a note, it is a pdf document and contains the curriculum for Grades 1-8 for Religion, so you will need to go to page 146 to see where the Grade 6 curriculum begins: Grade 6 Religion Curriculum.

Spiritual Theme

Our Board is currently in the third year of our Spiritual Theme, and the focus this year will be "Walk Humbly with God". Our spiritual theme is outlined in more detail on the OCSB website:

Catholic Graduate Expectations

All students in Catholic schools work towards building these skills throughout their educational journeys, and the building of these skills is at the root of all we do. More information about the Catholic Graduate Expectations can be found on the OCSB website: