Hello everyone! I will be posting information regularly on this website so you can stay up to date on what your child is learning and can support them. As well, you will notice that I send emails using School messenger when I have relevant and necessary information to share with you.

Please feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions or concerns. The Grade 6 team at St. Luke values the connection established between the school and home, and realizes the importance this has in the success of a child. We work collaboratively to ensure that your child is learning in a happy, healthy, and safe environment.

Another useful resource is our school's website, as it allows you to stay up to date on the general happenings and updates within the school: http://luk.ocsb.ca/home. As well, if you use social media, the school frequently updates their Twitter account with important information: @StLukeNepean

If you click on the tab at the top of the screen entitled "Parent Info", you will find some more useful links and videos to help your child navigate the various tools we will be using in class.

Daily Agenda

Daily Agenda for September

Daily Agenda for October

Daily Agenda for November

Daily Agenda for December

Daily Agenda for January

Daily Agenda for February

Daily Agenda for March

Grade 6 Teachers Twitter Accounts

Mrs. Divell's Twitter account: @MrsDivell

Mrs. Logan's Twitter Account: @StLukeGrade6